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Base Classes

Prestige Classes

Base Classes


HP/level: 1d12 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 1
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: Non-Lawful alignment
Bonus Feats: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields

Special abilities:
?Fast Movement (+10% movement speed)
?Barbarian Rage (Strength +4, Constitution +4, Will +2, AC -2, 1/day)
?Level 2: Uncanny Dodge (retain Dex bonus when caught flat footed)
?Level 4: Barbarian Rage (2/day, +1/day every 4 levels)
?Level 11: Damage Reduction (1/- every 3 levels)
?Level 15: Greater Rage (Strength +6, Constitution +6, Will +3, AC -2)
?Level 24: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels


Removed Abilities:
?Uncanny Dodge does not help against traps


HP/level: 1d6 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 4
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: Non-Lawful alignment
Bonus feats: Simple Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields

Special abilities:
?Level 23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

?Bard and Elemental spell circles

Removed abilities:
?Bard song
?Bardic Knowledge
?Core NWN spellcasting


HP/level: 1d8 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 4
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: None
Bonus Feats: Simple Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields

Special Abilities:
?Level 23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

?Cleric and Divine or Spiritual spell circles

Removed abilities:
?Cleric domains
?Core NWN spellcasting
?Spontaneous Cast
?Turn Undead


HP/level: 1d8 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 4
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: Neutral alignment
Bonus feats: Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Dart, Sling, Sickle, Spear, Scimitar Light & Medium Armor, Shields

Special Abilities:
?Nature Sense (+2 bonus to attack when in wilderness areas)
?Level 3: Trackless Step (Hide+4, Move Silently+4 when in wilderness areas)
?Level 9: Venom Immunity (Immune to Poison)
?Level 24: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels

?Two spells/level from: Druid, Elemental, or Spiritual spell circles

Removed Abilities:
?All Shapeshifting (Elemental Shape, Improved Elemental Shape, Wild Shape)
?Animal Companion
?Core NWN Spellcasting
?Resist Nature's Lure
?Woodland Stride

Empath (Paladin)

HP/level: 1d10 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 3
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: Lawful Good
Bonus Feats: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields

Special Abilities:
?Divine Grace (Charisma Bonus added to all Saves)
?Divine Health (Immune to Disease)
?Level 2: Aura of Courage (Immune to Fear)
?Level 23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

?Two spells/level from: Empath, Divine or Spiritual spell circles

Removed Abilities:
?Core NWN spellcasting
?Lay on Hands
?Remove Disease
?Smite Evil
?Turn Undead


HP/level: 1d10 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 1
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: None
Bonus feats: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields

Special abilities:
?Level 1: Fighter Bonus Feat
?Level 2: Fighter Bonus Feat every 2 levels (Epic Bonus Feat if above Level 21)


Removed Abilities:


HP/level: 1d8 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 2
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: Lawful alignment
Bonus feats: Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Sling, Light & Heavy Crossbow, Handaxe, Kama, Shuriken, Light & Medium Armor, Shields, Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike

Special abilities:
?Unique unarmed combat chart that allows for more attacks than normal
as the monk's level rises, but at a lower BAB than the warrior BAB
?AC Bonus (Wisdom Bonus added to AC, AC+1 every 5 levels)
?Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage)
?Flurry of Blows (+1 attack/round, all attacks at -2 to hit)
?Stunning Fist (1/day per level)
?Level 2: Deflect Arrows (save vs reflex to avoid 1 missile)
?Level 3: Monk Speed (+10% movement speed every 3 levels)
?Level 3: Still Mind (+2 save vs mind spells)
?Level 5: Purity of Body (Immune to Disease)
?Level 6: Knockdown, Improved Knockdown
?Level 7: Wholeness of Body (Heal 2 hp/level, 1/day)
?Level 9: Improved Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage, half damage on fail)
?Level 10: Ki Strike (Unarmed considered +1 at Level 10, +2 at Level 13, +3 at Level 16)
?Level 11: Diamond Body (Immune to Poison)
?Level 12: Diamond Soul (Spiritual and Elemental save bonus: +1, +1 every 10 monk levels)
?Level 15: Quivering Palm (Unarmed death blow 1/day)
?Level 18: Empty Body (50% Concealment 2/day)
?Level 20: Perfect Self (20/+1 damage resistance, Immune to Mind Spells)
?Level 20: Monk eyes glow depending on alignment (blue, grey, or red)
?Level 25: Epic Bonus Feat every 5 levels


Removed Abilities:
?Diamond soul changed (see above)


HP/level: 1d10 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 3
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: None
Bonus Feats: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields

Special Abilities:
?Dual-Wield (Main Attack -2, Off Hand Attack -6 only when in light armor)
?Trackless Step (Hide+4, Move Silently+4 when in wilderness areas)
?Level 1: Ranger Bonus Feat
?Level 5: Ranger Bonus Feat every 5 levels (Epic Bonus Feat if above Level 21)
?Level 9: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
?Level 23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

?Ranger and Spiritual spell circles

Removed Abilities:
?Animal Companion
?Core NWN spellcasting


HP/level: 1d6 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 2
Skill points per level: 8 + Int bonus
Requirements: None
Bonus Feats: Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Light & Heavy Crossbow, Dart, Mace, Morningstar, Sling, Rapier, Short Sword, Handaxe, Shortbow, Light Armor

Special Abilities:
?Level 1: Sneak Attack (if you are hidden, or the opponent is flat footed, or the
opponent has their back to you and is attacking another target: +1d6 dmg every 2
?Level 2: Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage)
?Level 3: Uncanny Dodge (retain DEX bonus when caught flat footed)
?Rogue Bonus Feat Level 10, Level 13, Level 16, Level 19
?Level 24: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels


Removed abilities:
?Uncanny dodge does not help against traps


HP/level: 1d4 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 5
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: None
Bonus Feats: Simple Weapons

Special Abilities:
?Level 23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

?Two spells/level from: Sorcerer, Elemental or Spiritual spell circles

Removed Abilities:
?Core NWN spellcasting
?Summon Familiar


HP/level: 1d4 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 5
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: None
Bonus Feats: Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff, Light & Heavy Crossbow

Special Abilities:
?Level 5: Wizard Bonus Feat every 5 levels (Epic Bonus Feat if above Level 21)
?Level 23: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

?Two spells/level from: Wizard, Arcane or Elemental spell circles

Removed Abilities:
?Core NWN spellcasting
?Scribe Scroll
?Spell Specialization
?Summon Familiar

Prestige Classes

Arcane Archer

HP/level: 1d8 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 2
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: Elf or Half-Elf, Bard, Sorcerer or Wizard, BAB 6, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus Longbow or Shortbow
Bonus Feats: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields

Special Abilities:
?Level 1: Enchant Arrow (+1 bonus to Attack and Damage every 2 levels)
?Level 2: Imbue Arrow (Fireball 3/day)
?Level 4: Seeker Arrow (cannot miss 1/day, 2/day at L6)
?Level 8: Hail of Arrows (arrow at each enemy 1/day)
?Level 10: Arrow of Death (save or die 1/day)
?Level 14: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels


Removed Abilities:


HP/level: 1d6 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 1
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: Evil alignment, Hide 8, Move Silently 8
Bonus Feats: Simple Weapons, Light Armor

Special Abilities:
?Level 1: Death Attack (if you are hidden, or the opponent is flat footed, or the
opponent has their back to you and is attacking another target: +1d6 dmg every 2
levels plus chance of paralysing opponent)
?Level 2: Uncanny Dodge (retain DEX bonus when caught flat footed)
?Level 2: Resist Poison (+1 save vs poison every 2 levels)
?Level 2: Cast Ghostly Visage (1/day)
?Level 5: Uncanny Dodge (+1 save vs traps, +2 at L10)
?Level 5: Cast Darkness (1/day)
?Level 7: Cast Invisibility (1/day)
?Level 9: Cast Improved Invisibility (1/day)
?Level 14: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels


Removed Abilities:
?Uncanny Dodge does not help against traps

Dwarven Defender

HP/level: 1d12 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 1
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: Dwarf, Lawful alignment, BAB 7, Dodge, Toughness
Bonus Feats: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields

Special Abilities:
?Level 1: Defensive Stance (Strength +4, Constitution +4, Saves +2, AC(Dodge) +4,
1/day every 2 levels)
?Level 1: Defensive Awareness (retain Dexterity bonus when caught flat footed)
?Level 6: Defensive Awareness (cannot be flanked)
?Level 6: Damage Reduction (3/- every 4 levels)
?Level 14: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels


Removed Abilites:
?Defensive Awareness does not help against traps

Guardian (Champion of Torm)

HP/level: 1d10 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 3
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: Non-Evil alignment, BAB 7, Weapon Focus in a melee weapon
Bonus Feats: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armor, Shields

Special Abilities:
?Level 2: Guardian Bonus Feat every 2 levels (Epic Bonus Feat if above Level 21)
?Level 2: Sacred Defense (Saves+1 every 2 levels)
?Level 5: Divine Wrath (+3 bonus to Attack, Damage and Saves, +1/5 damage
reduction for CHA bonus rounds 1/day)
?Level 10: Divine Wrath (+5 bonus to Attack, Damage and Saves, +2 every 5 levels)
?Level 13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

?Guardian and Divine spell circles

Removed Abilities:
?Lay on Hands
?Smite Evil

Lich (Pale Master)

HP/level: 1d6 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 4
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: Non-good alignment, Level 3 Bard, Sorcerer or Wizard

Special Abilities:
?Boneskin (Base AC +2)
?Level 3: Darkvision
?Level 4: Boneskin (Base AC +2 every 4 levels)
?Level 5: Deathless Vigor (+3 HP per class level up to character level 20)
?Level 6: Undead Graft (arm replaced by skeletal arm)
?Level 7: Tough as Bone (Immune to Hold, Paralyze and Stun)
?Level 10: Deathless Mastery (immune to critical hits)
?Level 13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels
?Level 15: Deathless Vigor (+5 HP every 5 levels)

?Two spells/level from: Death Mastery or Arcane spell circles

Removed Abilities:
?All core NWN touch attacks
?All core NWN summoning abilities
?Core NWN spellcasting

Malefic Summoner (Red Dragon Disciple)

HP/level: 1d6 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 3
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: Bard or Sorcerer, Lore 8

Special Abilities:
?Demonic Aura: Confuses all party members (does not work on other Malefic
Summoners, Liches, or Necromancers. Causes party members to attack random
targets, including other party members).
?Level 1: Demonic Armor (Base AC +1, +2 at Level 5, +3 at Level 8, +4 at Level 10)
?Level 2: Demonic Ability Scores (Strength +2)
?Level 3: Breath Weapon (DC19 2d10 damage)
?Level 4: Demonic Ability Scores (Strength +4)
?Level 4: Hit Dice 1d8 (from next level)
?Level 6: Hit Dice 1d10 (from next level)
?Level 7: Breath Weapon (4d10 damage)
?Level 7: Demonic Ability Scores (Strength +4, Constitution +2)
?Level 9: Demonic Ability Scores (Strength +4, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2)
?Level 9: Demon Wings (gains wings)
?Level 10: Breath Weapon (6d10 damage, +1d10 every 3 levels)
?Level 10: Demonic Ability Scores (Strength +8, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2, Charisma +2)
?Level 10: Half-Demon (Darkvision, Immune to Fire, Paralysis and Sleep)
?Level 14: Epic Bonus Feat every 4 levels
?Level 14: Breath Weapon (DC20, DC+1 every 4 levels)
?Level 15: Demonic Armor (AC Base+5, +1 every 5 levels)

?Malefic Summoner spell circle

Removed Abilities:

Necromancer (Blackguard)

HP/level: 1d10 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 3
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: Evil alignment, BAB 6, Cleave, Hide 5
Bonus Feats: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light, Medium & Heavy Armor, Shields

Special Abilities:
?Level 2: Dark Blessing (Add Charisma bonus to saves)
?Level 4: Sneak Attack (if you are hidden, or the opponent is flat footed, or the
opponent has their back to you and is attacking another target: +1d6 dmg every 3
?Level 13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels

?Necromancy and Divine spell circles

Removed abilities:
?All core NWN undead summoning
?Bull's Strength
?Inflict Critical Wounds
?Inflict Serious Wounds
?Smite Good
?Turn Undead

Scout (Harper Scout)

HP/level: 1d6 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 4
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: Non-evil alignment, Alertness, Iron Will, Discipline 4, Persuade 8, Search 4, Lore 6
Bonus Feats: Simple Weapons, Light Armor

Special abilities:
?Level 1: Scout Bonus Feat (Epic Bonus Feat if a L21 character)
?Level 3: Tymora's Smile (Saves+2 for 5 turns 1/day)
?Level 4: Harper Scout Bonus Feat (Epic Bonus Feat if a L21 character)
?Level 4: Lliira's Heart (+2 save vs mind spells)
?Level 4: Cast Eagles Splendor (1/day)
?Level 5: Cast Invisibility (1/day)
?Cannot advance beyond level 5

??? (not implemented yet)

Removed Abilities:
?Bardic Knowledge
?Cat's Grace
?Deneir's Eye


HP/level: 1d8 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 1
Skill points per level: 6 + Int bonus
Requirements: Mobility, Hide 10, Move Silently 8, Tumble 5
Bonus feats: Simple Weapons, Light Armor

Special abilities:
?Hide in Plain Sight (can hide even if previously spotted)
?Level 2: Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage)
?Level 2: Uncanny Dodge (retain DEX bonus when caught flat footed)
?Level 2: Darkvision
?Level 4: Shadow Evade (Concealment 5%, 5/+1, AC Base+1 for 5 rounds 3/day)
?Level 5: Defensive Roll (save vs lethal blow for half damage 1/day)
?Level 6: Shadow Evade (Concealment 10%, 5/+2, AC Base+2)
?Level 7: Slippery Mind (reroll save vs mind spells)
?Level 8: Shadow Evade (Concealment 15%, 10/+2, AC Base+3)
?Level 10: Improved Evasion (save vs reflex for no damage, half damage on fail)
?Level 10: Shadow Evade (Concealment 20%, 10/+3, AC Base+4)
?Level 13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels
?Level 15: Shadow Evade (12/+4, extra 2/+1 every 5 levels)


Removed Abilities:
?Shadow Daze
?Summon Shadow
?Uncanny Dodge does not help against traps


HP/level: 1d8 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 4
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus
Requirements: Level 5 Druid, Wisdom 13, Alertness

Special Abilities:
?Greater Wild Shape I (Red, Green, Black, White, Blue Wyrmling, 6/day,
unlimited/day at Level 4)
?Level 3: Greater Wild Shape II (Harpy, Gargoyle, Minotaur, 3/day,
unlimited/day at Level 7)
?Level 5: Greater Wild Shape III (Basilisk, Manticore, Drider, 3/day,
unlimited/day at Level 10)
?Level 7: Humanoid Shape (Drow Warrior, Lizardfolk Whipmaster, Kobold Commando,
?Level 10: Greater Wild Shape IV (Large Dire Tiger, Medusa, Mind Flayer, 3/day)
?Level 13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels
?Level 13: Humanoid Shape (unlimited/day)
?Level 16: Greater Wild Shape IV (unlimited/day)


Removed abilities:

(NOTE: All core NWN shapeshifting will eventually be removed. Different
forms will eventually be learned on a per-level basis, replacing the core NWN

Weapon Master

HP/level: 1d10 + Con bonus
Mana/level: 1
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
Requirements: BAB 5, Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus in a melee weapon, Intimidate 4

Special Abilities:
?Weapon of Choice (select one weapon type for bonuses)
?Ki Damage (Weapon of Choice does maximum damage, 1/day per level)
?Level 5: Increased Multiplier (Weapon of Choice critical damage multiplier +1)
?Level 5: Superior Weapon Focus (Weapon of Choice Attack +1)
?Level 7: Ki Critical (Weapon of Choice critical hit range +2)
?Level 13: Epic Superior Weapon Focus (Weapon of Choice Attack +1 every 3 levels)
?Level 13: Epic Bonus Feat every 3 levels


Removed Abilities:

[Page Author: Rational]
[Much thanks to Rational for compiling all this information and posting it on the forums here]
Lich update thanks to death (liquid D)
Random Character



This is a New Poll.


 · Bjehsus: woot, just installed NWN finally [Grin] thx again, andrew
 · Lord dEath: So I see. Welcome back [Grin]
 · SGorman: Weee're BAACK!
 · DM Perseus: Well, Sera, all you have to do is click on the link to Aralars site...which for some reason redirects you to Genmay, hmmm.....
 · Seraphine: Can someone send me Sera's portrait, please i cna't seem to find it on the site listed for sarah portraits =/
 · Kelburt: I keep wondering if I should install NWN on my new PC... I'm still addicted to WoW though.
 · JimmyJones: Remember........ there are not many who are to be all that there is in being.
 · MoRiA: Nothing stopping someone oiling a bow if they want to though, I guess....
 · AcidKat: you dont need to oil bows
 · TreePlanter: *sits on the bank oiling his bow awaiting a hunting party*
 · MoRiA: Yeah, old but better than the thing we had before. I like to know my way around the site's code which I can only do when I write it all myself [Smile]
 · Guyturf: Love the new (old?) look...!
 · MoRiA: Yayyyy for shoutbox! [Grin]
 · MoRiA: That poll is screwed. You shouldn't be able to post fifty times per IP.. :p
 · SwordRaven: hah, look who has returned to herd the sheep into depravity and violence!
 · MoRiA: [Smile] Shame I won't know you then..
 · EDGX: Hello, DCX. I am an old player, from Vintons. Great to see things are better than ever.
 · MoRiA: Zeh has now been unbanned, "pending further contact from Uriel". And yes, it is rather depressing. Most of the players can be found elsewhere, though [Wink]
 · Llewen: ugh, checking out Aralar's custom portraits makes me realize how many players have left DCX... [Sad]
 · Llewen: what? Zehave was banned? Where?
 · MoRiA: *yawn* Someone unban Zehave already. His banning is totally unnecessary
 · Balrithor: I do. If it's not correct, then it's Wrong
 · MoRiA: Assassin isn't a very common class, and people don't seem to like pointing out errors :p
 · Balrithor: *shrug* I noticed it first, even though you had a 5 month or so headstart
 · MoRiA: So you've proved Rational wrong, not me [Wink]
 · Balrithor: Ha! Proved you wrong! There IS a mistake there somewhere!
 · MoRiA: It makes perfect sense [Wink] Rational wrote it anyway [Smile]
 · Balrithor: You've got a mistake with the class referances. In the Assassins bit, you've put down Uncanny dodge bonuses as per NWN, but also noted that it doesn't work against traps
 · Balrithor: Horizontal rules aren't allowed either...
 · MoRiA: Journal slashes problem fixed

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