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MoRiA First message...
MoRiA wOoOoOo
Sword Rave Bwahaha I am the woo
MoRiA Well the shoutbox is now open for business. Post what you want but remember that HTML is stipped out and both Peter & I can delete posts from our Admin Control Panel [Wink]
Sword A character limit on the name eh? one char less than mine is eh?
MoRiA I had to choose a limit somewhere. MySQL wants a limit [Tongue] Just so happens that the limit is 10 [Tongue]
Sword The limit is now 11... make it so.
MoRiA Argh... *fires up phpmyadmin* [Sad]
Sword Raven Hurrah!
MoRiA W00t! Planning to get these details stored in a more permament cookie [Wink]
MoRiA And the cookies are enabled, set to expire in 3 years from when they are set. You can change cookie values by submitting this form with different data [Smile]
Sword Raven If the cookie lasts so long, why has mine already run out? stupid IP related things?
MoRiA of course it only lasts on the computer it's set on. i could do some kind of login system but that would be random and pointless
Sword Raven yep
MoRiA OWNED! Just recoded the nav bar and this index page is now only 31KB instead of its original 44KB [Grin]
Sword Raven oh... cool.. that extra 13kb will save me hours and optimise my bandwidth so I can spend more time PWNING YOU ALL!
MoRiA That or the 13KB saved will mean 3 secs less loading time for 56K-ers and will saveo ur bandwidth (13K per page [Wink])
Leonous HOLY FSCKING SPAM BATMAN ! ( SR: try to keep awful language low please)
Leonous Uh... sorry... my fingers took over there for a sec
Leonous Havnt visisted the site in a while... it's actually looking quite nice...
Sword Raven ^_^ you are teh fool
Leonous I've got something for j000 !
Sword Raven Oh?
Sword Raven what?
MoRiA Who?

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This is a New Poll.


 · Bjehsus: woot, just installed NWN finally [Grin] thx again, andrew
 · Lord dEath: So I see. Welcome back [Grin]
 · SGorman: Weee're BAACK!
 · DM Perseus: Well, Sera, all you have to do is click on the link to Aralars site...which for some reason redirects you to Genmay, hmmm.....
 · Seraphine: Can someone send me Sera's portrait, please i cna't seem to find it on the site listed for sarah portraits =/
 · Kelburt: I keep wondering if I should install NWN on my new PC... I'm still addicted to WoW though.
 · JimmyJones: Remember........ there are not many who are to be all that there is in being.
 · MoRiA: Nothing stopping someone oiling a bow if they want to though, I guess....
 · AcidKat: you dont need to oil bows
 · TreePlanter: *sits on the bank oiling his bow awaiting a hunting party*
 · MoRiA: Yeah, old but better than the thing we had before. I like to know my way around the site's code which I can only do when I write it all myself [Smile]
 · Guyturf: Love the new (old?) look...!
 · MoRiA: Yayyyy for shoutbox! [Grin]
 · MoRiA: That poll is screwed. You shouldn't be able to post fifty times per IP.. :p
 · SwordRaven: hah, look who has returned to herd the sheep into depravity and violence!
 · MoRiA: [Smile] Shame I won't know you then..
 · EDGX: Hello, DCX. I am an old player, from Vintons. Great to see things are better than ever.
 · MoRiA: Zeh has now been unbanned, "pending further contact from Uriel". And yes, it is rather depressing. Most of the players can be found elsewhere, though [Wink]
 · Llewen: ugh, checking out Aralar's custom portraits makes me realize how many players have left DCX... [Sad]
 · Llewen: what? Zehave was banned? Where?
 · MoRiA: *yawn* Someone unban Zehave already. His banning is totally unnecessary
 · Balrithor: I do. If it's not correct, then it's Wrong
 · MoRiA: Assassin isn't a very common class, and people don't seem to like pointing out errors :p
 · Balrithor: *shrug* I noticed it first, even though you had a 5 month or so headstart
 · MoRiA: So you've proved Rational wrong, not me [Wink]
 · Balrithor: Ha! Proved you wrong! There IS a mistake there somewhere!
 · MoRiA: It makes perfect sense [Wink] Rational wrote it anyway [Smile]
 · Balrithor: You've got a mistake with the class referances. In the Assassins bit, you've put down Uncanny dodge bonuses as per NWN, but also noted that it doesn't work against traps
 · Balrithor: Horizontal rules aren't allowed either...
 · MoRiA: Journal slashes problem fixed

Shoutbox Archives..
Page Design & Content ©2004-2006 Andrew Gillard & Peter (Sword Raven).
Articles are ©2004-2006 the respective author as indicated at the end of each page.
The backend coding is also ©2004-2006 Andrew (MoRiA) but you can't see that....
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