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Sorcerer (1) - Explode Vein
Sorcerer (2) - Disruption
Sorcerer (3) - Forget
Sorcerer (4) - Life Drain
Sorcerer (5) - Disintegrate
Sorcerer (6) - Mind Jolt
Sorcerer (7) - Mind Control
Sorcerer (8) - Limb Disruption
Sorcerer (9) - Quake
Sorcerer (10) - Energy Maelstrom
Sorcerer (11) - Pain Infliction
Sorcerer (12) - Cloak of Shadows
Sorcerer (13) - Nightmare
Sorcerer (14) - Will Enhancement
Sorcerer (15) - Curse
Sorcerer (16) - Disease
Sorcerer (17) - Evil Eye
Sorcerer (18) - Torment
Sorcerer (19) - Dark Catalyst
Sorcerer (20) - Implosion

Sorcerer (1) - Explode Vein

Duration: 1 Round / 2 Caster Levels

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Damages one target per round. Does not affect Undead targets.


Sorcerer (2) - Disruption

Duration: Instant

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Damages one target with a chance to stun target based on damage dealt


Sorcerer (3) - Forget

Duration: 18 seconds

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Will make the target forget the spell they were preparing, and unable to prepare more spells while the effect lasts.


Sorcerer (4) - Life Drain

Duration: Instant

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Transfer HP from target to caster, with a chance of stunning the target. Does not affect undead targets.


Sorcerer (5) - Disintegrate

Duration: Instant

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Damages one target with a chance to slow or knock down the target based on caster level. (Damage seems to vary widely)


Sorcerer (6) - Mind Jolt

Duration: Duration based on caster level and target level (minimum 18 seconds)

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Stuns one target.


Sorcerer (7) - Mind Control

Duration: Indefinite. Mana upkeep is dependant on creature.

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Against NPCs: Take permanent control of the target hostile NPC creature, requires a mana upkeep.
PCs: Stun is based on casters level
Does not affect undead targets.


Sorcerer (8) - Damage Limb

Duration: Instant

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Causes leg, arm or head damage to the target.


Sorcerer (9) - Quake

Duration: 5 + 1 Second / 6 Caster Levels

Save type: Spirit

Effect: Stun or knockdown creatures around target.


Sorcerer (10) - Energy Maelstrom

Duration: 1 Round per 2 Caster Levels

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Damages multiple targets per round.


Sorcerer (11) - Pain Infliction

Duration: Instant

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Damages the target based on caster level (minimum 25% of current health is taken.) Does not affect undead targets.


Sorcerer (12) - Cloak of Shadows

Duration: 60 Seconds / Caster Level

Save type: None

Effect: Increase AC, Elemental save, and Spirit save by 3.


Sorcerer (13) - Bestow Nightmare

Duration: Caster level + 3

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Target suffers a nightmare and becomes confused.


Sorcerer (14) - Will Enhancement

Duration: 60 Seconds / Caster Level

Save type: None

Effect: Target becomes immune to fear.


Sorcerer (15) - Bestow Curse

Duration: Indefinite

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Bestows a Curse upon target NPC or item


Sorcerer (16) - Disease

Duration: Indefinite

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Causes Disease


Sorcerer (17) - Evil Eye

Duration: Instant

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Instill fear into target living creature. Chance of instantly killing the target.


Sorcerer (18) - Torment

Duration: 4 rounds

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: Damages target for 4 rounds. If target fails save, they take damage, if they make the save, it fires back at the caster, who rolls the spell against himself. If the caster fails the save, they take damage, if they don't, it jumps back to the original target. It does this once per round.


Sorcerer (19) - Dark Catalyst

Duration: Instant

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: For every 3 points of mana the target has, 1d10 of random elemental damage is inflicted on the target, and drain 1 point of mana and give it to the caster.


Sorcerer (20) - Implosion

Duration: Instant (or 2 + 1 / 4 Caster Levels if cast at ground)

Save type: Spiritual

Effect: When cast at single target, if the target fails the save, they die. If cast near targets, the vacuum created by the implosions sweeps up all items and damages nearby creatures who fail their save.

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This is a New Poll.


 · Bjehsus: woot, just installed NWN finally [Grin] thx again, andrew
 · Lord dEath: So I see. Welcome back [Grin]
 · SGorman: Weee're BAACK!
 · DM Perseus: Well, Sera, all you have to do is click on the link to Aralars site...which for some reason redirects you to Genmay, hmmm.....
 · Seraphine: Can someone send me Sera's portrait, please i cna't seem to find it on the site listed for sarah portraits =/
 · Kelburt: I keep wondering if I should install NWN on my new PC... I'm still addicted to WoW though.
 · JimmyJones: Remember........ there are not many who are to be all that there is in being.
 · MoRiA: Nothing stopping someone oiling a bow if they want to though, I guess....
 · AcidKat: you dont need to oil bows
 · TreePlanter: *sits on the bank oiling his bow awaiting a hunting party*
 · MoRiA: Yeah, old but better than the thing we had before. I like to know my way around the site's code which I can only do when I write it all myself [Smile]
 · Guyturf: Love the new (old?) look...!
 · MoRiA: Yayyyy for shoutbox! [Grin]
 · MoRiA: That poll is screwed. You shouldn't be able to post fifty times per IP.. :p
 · SwordRaven: hah, look who has returned to herd the sheep into depravity and violence!
 · MoRiA: [Smile] Shame I won't know you then..
 · EDGX: Hello, DCX. I am an old player, from Vintons. Great to see things are better than ever.
 · MoRiA: Zeh has now been unbanned, "pending further contact from Uriel". And yes, it is rather depressing. Most of the players can be found elsewhere, though [Wink]
 · Llewen: ugh, checking out Aralar's custom portraits makes me realize how many players have left DCX... [Sad]
 · Llewen: what? Zehave was banned? Where?
 · MoRiA: *yawn* Someone unban Zehave already. His banning is totally unnecessary
 · Balrithor: I do. If it's not correct, then it's Wrong
 · MoRiA: Assassin isn't a very common class, and people don't seem to like pointing out errors :p
 · Balrithor: *shrug* I noticed it first, even though you had a 5 month or so headstart
 · MoRiA: So you've proved Rational wrong, not me [Wink]
 · Balrithor: Ha! Proved you wrong! There IS a mistake there somewhere!
 · MoRiA: It makes perfect sense [Wink] Rational wrote it anyway [Smile]
 · Balrithor: You've got a mistake with the class referances. In the Assassins bit, you've put down Uncanny dodge bonuses as per NWN, but also noted that it doesn't work against traps
 · Balrithor: Horizontal rules aren't allowed either...
 · MoRiA: Journal slashes problem fixed

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